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How Can You Set Up an Air Tag? (31st Jul 23 at 11:59am UTC)
Steps to Set up your Airtag
The steps to set up your Airtag are as follows -

1. Hold your airtag and pair it with your iPhone or iPad.
2. Set-up instructions will pop up on your screen.
3. Give a name to your Airtag. After giving the name you can also add the emoji to help you to identify it easily.
4. Finally add your Airtag with any of your belongings, which you never want to lose.

Read More - How to track my airtag.
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Re: How Can You Set Up an Air Tag? (8th Apr 24 at 2:00am UTC)
Make sure your iPhone or iPad is running iOS 14.5 or later. You can check this Friday Night Funkin by going to Settings > General > Software Update.
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